Extreme Ownership is a book written by former Navy SEAL officers, Jocko Willink and Leif Babin. If there was only one definitive book on leadership and accountability I could recommend, this is it. Most people have had their share of good and bad bosses and the chasm between the two is massive. A bad leader will never have the respect of their people and it tanks the morale of the entire organization to have incompetent people lead. The world has a glut of garbage leaders and is in dire need of good replacements.
This book covers stories from Leif and Jocko during their time overseas. It’s a great look into the hard decisions leaders in their positions have to make - some of which result in grave consequences for their people. The core premise of the book is that leaders need to take full accountability for their actions, as well as everyone they supervise, and to not steal the limelight from their people. If you’re planning to become a leader or are already one, this book should be at the top of your reading list. Take the lessons to heart and apply them and you’ll get much more respect from the people you lead.