Buckle in because I’ve got a lot to unpack with these books. First, I highly recommend the audiobook versions of these. Grant narrates them himself, and he adds context and content that wasn’t in the books. He also narrates them way better than anyone he could have hired to do it. They also all build on each other. If you’re only going to pick one, I strongly recommend you choose Be Obsessed Or Be Average.
Second, these will be hard for some to listen to. Grant has a strong personality and isn’t afraid to say what he thinks. It took a while for me to warm up to him, but once I got past the rigidness of his personality, I was able to absorb what he teaches in these books. He also calls out a lot of what society has screwed up.
Conventional wisdom will net you conventional results. Grant calls this out a lot in his books. If you want to do anything bigger with your life, you need to think differently and do the work.
Now let’s cover a few big reasons I like these books. This isn’t all-inclusive, as there’s much to learn in these books. I’ll start with the biggest reason first, which is obsession. This word has a dirty meaning for much of society, but what many people won’t admit is that everyone has an obsession of some sort. Whether it’s watching Instagram Reels, playing video games, binge-watching TV shows, working 80 hours a week for years on end on a business or project, and so on, obsessions come in all forms. You can either be destroyed by them or you can use them to improve your life.
There’s no way to have anything good come out of binge-watching a bunch of garbage, though I can see plenty of good things coming from spending a few years working on a business of some sort. The people who make it work will have freedoms they couldn’t have dreamed of before. Even if nothing comes of it, it would be better for a person to create something than to be consumed by something. You might as well harness your obsessions to do something to better yourself.
Next, Grant talks a lot about how people are capable of much more than they think they are. There’s a lot of truth to this, and from my personal observations, it’s because people waste so much time. Not on anything in particular, but just overall. If you looked at what a person does throughout the day, for most people it consists of doing a few hours of actual work, followed with hours on their cellphones, TVs, drinking alcohol, binge-eating, etc. Since I cut out most of my bad habits, I’ve personally noticed a massive difference in what I’m able to do in a day. It’s also been great for my mental and physical health, as I’m spending a lot of time doing what I enjoy and building things that have meaning to me.
One other big point I’ll mention from the books, is that Grant says if you aren’t selling, then you’re being sold. This is the objective reality about how the world works, no matter how much people try to argue against it. Almost everything you do in life to get ahead is a competition. You have to out-dress, out-interview, out-work, and out-educate yourself over your competition, or you’ll fall behind and end up with nothing while the people ahead of you get to win and enjoy their lives.
Also, everyone has to sell to survive. If you don’t have a product or service to sell, you have to work for someone else to get a paycheck, and that involves selling their product or service. Selling isn’t a dirty word and shouldn’t be treated as such. The only reason some people don’t like it is because of the dishonest clowns that sell something to people that don’t need what’s being sold.
Selling is much more than just related to a product or service and is present is pretty much every aspect of life. Anything from a job interview, to a date, to looking for a place to live all involves you having to sell yourself. If you don’t learn this critical skill, you’re going to have a much harder go at life.
These books are a solid read and would do you well to go through them a few times to really soak up the material. Love him or hate him, Grant tells it like it is, and there are many great lessons in his books.