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Changes made to the hardware/software page on the cyber site to improve brevity.
Links to private Discord community added on both sites. These will be removed on 06/28.

Added acknowledgements page.
All content on the main site, minus the Blowfish guide, has been updated for brevity.
The intro page and NetSec section of the cyber site has been updated for brevity.

Added essay section to the main site.
Added YouTube guide to the essay section.
Minor changes to the design of the main site.

Added the Simplewall guide to the cybersecurity section.

New website release.
Book recommendations updated.

Updated banner paragraph.
New website for the cybersecurity knowledge base is now live.
OPSEC section has been reworked to include a lot of updates and new content.
Small improvements to the other sections of the cybersecurity content.

Updated banner paragraph.

Initial launch of the Linux hardening guide.
Initial launch of the MacOS/iOS overview page.
Changed the buttons on the cybersecurity page to now be content cards.
Added an acknowledgements page with a link in the footer.
Updated the banner paragraph.
Added the firewall section in the network security page.
Updated the home page text.
Updated the legal disclaimer for the cybersecurity section.

Removed the “external links” text from the YouTube and Twitter buttons, since it seemed unneeded.
Added a “Letters” link which goes to my Substack page.
Updated the home page description.
Background and text colors changed to make the site more readable, using guidelines from Google’s Material Design.

Plausible Analytics added. This is a privacy respecting way to get site usage analytics. Check their site out to learn more.

Hardware/Software considerations section added.
Book recommendations section added.

Network security section added with the initial version of content.
Banner paragraph updated.
Added external links to YouTube and Twitter profile pages in the navbar.

Initial launch of the site.